SkyTrace - The world's first Industrial Internet solution for managing trace heating
A single factory can feature anything from 100 to 10,000 electric heating circuits. How can this many heating points be managed efficiently? SkyTrace can handle even the largest heating systems with ease.
The SkyTrace software consists of two parts:
SkyTrace Site: electric heating control and monitoring program intended for the factory operator and maintenance personnel.
SkyTrace Analytics: online reports for preventive maintenance and energy efficiency.
Once the SkyTrace Site server is installed in the factory’s network, users can view the heating system status and edit all heating settings through their web browsers.
SkyTrace Analytics is a separate service that collects measurement data from the heating system, analyses data and provides results in the form of online reports. These reports contain preventive maintenance warnings regarding heating circuits that may soon fail as well as energy efficiency recommendations. The SkyTrace Analytics service is built on Caverion’s IoTFlex maintenance cloud solution. Read more about Caverion’s IoTFlexhere.
Benefits of SkyTrace
Ease of use through single-point centralisation – Operator saves time and money
Condition monitoring automation – Reduces the labour needed for manual monitoring
Integration into the process diagram and area map – Facilitates troubleshooting and saves time
Alarm prioritisation – Clear indication of the most important alarms facilitates the monitoring of the critical trace heating arrangements, in particular
Predictive maintenance – Identify faults early on before they turn into alarms
Energy consumption reports – Find the trace heating circuits where energy can be saved
Maintenance reports – Identify problematic circuits to reduce alarm numbers
Configuration error notifications – The software provides clear reports on configuration errors, ensuring energy saving